Fail RP
Failed Roleplay
Fail RP is defined as actions that you make your character take that are either unrealistic or improbable in a manner that damages; restricts, or hurts the roleplay experience of others. Not all circumstances of behavior deemed unrealistic are punishable.
Bannable Offence: Failed RP is a big thing in most cities, especially for a serious roleplay server. We take this one very seriously as it breaks immersion and ruins everyone's experience involved in the scene.
If you are in a situation where someone is breaking RP, continue the scene to the best of your ability and open up a support ticket after the scene is done with clips of the situation so admins can deal with it further. Failed RP is a 1 Day ban and will lead to a permanent ban if the player has a third strike.
Driving & Vehicle Standards GTA Driving
Players must drive in a manner that shows respect for the "class" of vehicle they are operating
All vehicles may drive on tracks, but only clearly offroad vehicles may drive up smooth, steep surfaces such as large hills.
The types of tires on your car do not affect the ability to drive across different surfaces.
Players may not carry out "stunt jumps" or unrealistic jumps intentionally.
You may not abuse GTA wheelie mechanics to unrealistically increase the speed of a motorbike
Last updated